Manteo Baptist Church values children. We are convinced that children are not just our future, but they are also our present! We want to give every opportunity for children to meet Jesus Christ and begin to live a life that is marked by the gospel. In order to accomplish this, we are pleased to offer several opportunities for children to worship together and to learn the Bible!

Word of Life

Word of Life’s Children’s Ministry Program is built on a powerful goal: to lay a solid foundation of biblical principles at a young age in the lives of children. We want to teach them from the very start the important fundamentals of spiritual growth.

Gopher Buddies

Gopher Buddies
Lessons teach foundational truths of Scripture so that children, ages 4-6, can begin to develop a basic understanding of Scripture. Every lesson includes parent resources to encourage meaningful follow-up between parents and their children. The children enjoy these lessons so much!


The Olympian ministry is built on an important theme in Scripture; the Olympic athlete.

The Olympian program is broken down into 3 different age groups. Grades 1-2 are called the Challengers, Grades 3-4 are called the Conquerors, and Grades 5-6 are called the Champions. Every component of our ministry program is tailored to the developmental level of the appropriate grades. In Small Group time, Quiet Time, Scripture Memory, and Christian Service each level gets more challenging, yet remains age-appropriate.

From year to year our goal is to help students move forward as spiritual athletes in the great race of the Christian life.

The program focuses on each of these areas each year:

  • Learn to have a consistent daily time in God’s Word on a six-year rotation that touches every book in the Bible.
  • Study a six-year curriculum of 48 lessons each year including character studies, life of Christ lessons, and holiday theme nights.
  • Memorize verses that come straight out of the lessons each week helping them hide God’s Word in their heart.
  • Minister and serve in the church and community. Depending on the age they children are challenged to do more or less.
  • Read age-appropriate books to strengthen their faith.
  • Earn fun incentives that follow the Olympic theme, such as stickers for bronze, silver, and gold levels.

Vacation Bible School

VBS is one of the biggest ministries we have at MBC. Each June, dozens of volunteers prepare to host hundreds of children for a one-week worship and Bible study adventure! At VBS, children encounter God’s Word in a creative, enthusiastic setting. The kids get to experience just how FUN church can be with snacks, recreation, music, dancing, and more!

Sunday School

At Sunday School, children learn the Bible from seasoned adult teachers. Our children have the opportunity to learn together with other kids their age! Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 AM on Sunday mornings.

Mission Friends

Mission Friends
How young can a child be and still learn Christian missions concepts? The preschool years. For children 3–4 years old, Mission Friends® provides the building blocks of faith and a basic awareness of God’s love for all people. Our teachers love teaching our little ones all about God’s love. And every week, our little Mission Friends take up an offering that goes to support missionaries and mission projects all over the world! Mission Friends meet downstairs on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM.

Royal Ambassadors

Royal Ambassadors® (RA) is a missions discipleship organization for boys in grades 1-6. Through hands-on activities that encourage spiritual growth, games and sports, and mentoring relationships with RA leaders, RA members become a faith-based brotherhood. The RAs meet upstairs on Wednesday nights during the school year at 6:30 PM.

Girls In Action

What We Believe
Girls in Action® (GA®) is a missions discipleship organization for girls. Every girl in grades 1–6 can be a part of GA! Through GA, girls learn about, pray for, give to, and do missions work. They also make new friends and have lots of fun! Our GAs meet upstairs during the mid-week prayer service on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM.

Upcoming Events

February 11, 2025
  • Hispanic Ministry Service
    February 11, 2025  6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

February 12, 2025
  • GAs Meeting
    February 12, 2025  6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

  • Mission Friends
    February 12, 2025  6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

  • RAs Meeting
    February 12, 2025  6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

  • Wednesday night Service
    February 12, 2025  6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

February 13, 2025
  • Mobile Food Pantry
    February 13, 2025  11:00 am - 12:30 pm

February 15, 2025
  • Men's Prison Ministry
    February 15, 2025  5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

February 16, 2025
  • Baptist Men Breakfast
    February 16, 2025  8:30 am - 9:30 am

  • Sunday School
    February 16, 2025  9:45 am - 11:45 am

  • AM Sanctuary service
    February 16, 2025  11:00 am - 12:30 pm

  • Anchor Youth Meeting
    February 16, 2025  6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

  • Sanctuary PM Service
    February 16, 2025  6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

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